Cloud Services Graphic

The Sky is the Limit

Whether you're already in the cloud or planning to migrate, our experienced team is here to assist you.

We develop and implement tailor-made solutions perfectly suited to your individual needs.

From the seamless migration of your applications and data to the cloud to the efficient management of your cloud infrastructure and the implementation of your cloud strategy — we're with you every step of the way.

Cloud Infrastructure

Our experts ensure that you always have the capacity you need for optimal performance and reliability in your cloud infrastructure.

Cloud Hosting

Cloud Rebels is your reliable hosting provider. We enhance your uptimes, reduce loading times in web hosting, and, if you wish, provide your application in a completely EU-DSGVO compliant environment.

Cloud Server

If you're already experienced in cloud technologies and looking to integrate more servers into your infrastructure, we can seamlessly incorporate you into a secure and highly available environment, providing ongoing support and monitoring.

SaaS Connect Graphic

Connect your Tools

With our cloud solutions, we can seamlessly integrate almost any SaaS application and centrally consolidate data. We can also replace previously implemented third-party solutions—all without traffic-based fees.


Utilizing interface technology, we establish connections between various applications. The connectors are set up by an independent provider and are therefore not in conflict with the GDPR.


We analyze processes and data flows to find the best possible and most cost-effective solution for you. A connection to our solution can be established from various sources.


We prepare the data using a format-independent consolidation tool. Subsequently, we evaluate, consolidate, and integrate them into the reception systems you require.


Data transmission can be completely encrypted upon request. Personal data is analyzed, and after the required storage period, it is immediately deleted in compliance with legal regulations.

Maximize efficiency

through smart technology


your Processes

Avoid wasting time on routine tasks. Cloud Rebels assists in automation, relieving your organization of unnecessary burdens.


Together, we elevate your system landscape to the next level. Automations accelerate processes and reduce time wastage.


Simple and repetitive tasks can be automated to use resources more efficiently and reduce personnel costs.


Standardization precedes any automation. Together, we ensure that all processes are
streamlined and that the quality is enhanced.


The error rate can be reduced, and satisfaction can be increased. Relieve your organization and focus on your success.

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