IT Security Graphic

All-round Protection for Your Company

IT security made easy. We offer the advantages of an internal IT security team. Simple and effective.

Minimize risks

safeguard your data


Access with Trust

Identity and access management is in our DNA. From authentication to zero trust, we've mastered it all.


Securely structured

GRC sounds complicated? With us, it's as easy as ABC.

IT Security Organized by Experts & Completely Transparent

We understand the crucial aspects of analyzing and managing risks in IT security. If you seek a structured approach rather than random measures, you've come to the right place.

Governance Risk & Compliance

Transparent catalog of criteria and processing points up to IT security policy.

Security Certifications

We support you with certifications, whether it's ISO 27001 or SOC 2.

GRC Processes Graphic

Maximum safety
for Your Company

We have a plan for your IT security strategy. Whether you prefer to manage IT security internally, retain partial control, or entrust it entirely to us, it's no problem for our team of experts with many years of experience in the IT security sector.


Cloud encryption, encrypted data transmission, and secure access via VPN are standard practices for us. Our knowledge of the latest standards ensures secure communication from peer to peer.

Access Control

Identity and access management is a crucial component for every company. The most significant source of error often lies with humans. Our IAM solutions are unbeatable and extremely effective.

Data Backup and Recovery

The cloud offers excellent redundancy and minimizes the likelihood of failure scenarios. However, data backups are crucial for various reasons. With us, you always have a solution at the ready.

Monitoring and Safety Checks

Cloud Rebels assists you with internal audits or reviews of administrative access and logging. We will guide you through the relevant standards for review or ensure their compliance.

In save hands
with us!

Secure yourself


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