Security Packages Graphic
Security Package

carefree Package

Our security packages provide the ideal introduction to fortify your security architecture. They not only establish the foundation but also enhance your overall IT security strategy. Select the package that suits your needs, and we'll guide you through every step of the process.

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guard your Future

Email & domain security

Phishing? No one takes the Bait with us!

Your business is our driving force. Hence, we aim to secure your email communication, newsletters, and online presence in the best possible manner. We adhere to the highest security standards and implement above-average email security guidelines.



Email security is often a complex and technical realm, but with us, simplicity is key. You won't need to grapple with DMARC, DKIM, SPF, or encryption. Let our experienced team take care of your email security. We guarantee a presence that stands out. Your emails arrive securely, and your newsletters never get lost in the spam folder again.

+ Upgrading your domain
+ Build up your email-related DNS records
+ Configure DMARC, DKIM & SPF specifications
Letter Opening

Safety First

Your website serves as a critical showcase of your professionalism and mirrors your external perception. Securing your domain and fortifying it against threats is paramount. Trust us to safeguard your online presence and leave a secure impression.

+ Configuring a web application firewall (WAF)
+ Build and manage your DNS records
+ Configuring encryption and transmission
Domain Security Graphic

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