On-Prem to CLoud Graphic

Join us on Cloud Nine

Future-proof your company! Our experienced team ensures a seamless migration to the cloud, integrating your applications and data effortlessly.


Maintain Order

Uniform standards simplify integration and scaling, while modernization updates outdated systems to stay future-ready.

The outcome: competitive advantages and optimized business processes.

Standard  & Modern Graphic

Innovative solutions

for modern companies


Faster, more Stable, Better!

Where others stop, we're just getting started. Numerous successfully implemented projects have convinced customers that Cloud Rebels is the best choice for their network infrastructure.

Office Network

If your current office network is falling short, we'll ensure an uninterrupted and fast network that won't compromise your productivity.


Whether it's a cloud PBX or a local telephone system, we modernize, manage, and administer all telephony services. Our providers provide a digital advantage with access to all German mobile networks.

Cloud & Main Directory

We revise and modernize your existing directory structures and transform your on-premise solution into a cloud infrastructure. Additionally, we provide modern services such as VPN access.

LTE/5G Network

A network connection is good, but we ensure redundancy and high availability with a data network that secures your existing Internet connection.


What keeps us Connected

Thanks to our partnerships with various providers, we provide flexible solutions in the network and communication segment. Whether your existing Internet provider has already laid a line to your company or you want to start from scratch with fiber optics, we support you from conception to implementation with the best services and technologies.

ISP Graphic

Reach the next level!

Let's start


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